Are you or a loved one battling cancer?

Learn more about our patient direct or patient family services.

“Commit ourselves to aid someone in their suffering.”

- The late Rev. Dr. Salatheia Bryant-Honors

Learn more about how to support a cancer patient and their family

Help a cancer patient family in need by providing a donation. All donations help provide meals, transportation, parking vouchers, and other various needs for cancer patients and their families

Popsicles in the Park

Learn more about our launch event

Welcome to Sallie's Halo

Our non-profit organization is formally recognized as The Rev. Dr. Salatheia Bryant-Honors Foundation. “Sallie” was a nick name used by those closest to Salatheia. Her legacy of a life of service is continued through Sallie's Halo.

  • Donate

    Help financially support those with cancer

  • Need Support

    For cancer patients and their families who need support

  • Volunteer

    Give physical support to those with cancer

Faith Based Organization

The late Rev. Dr. Salatheia Bryant-Honors was a passionate theologian and pastor who committed major part of her life to spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ. She received her doctorates degree in theology and wrote her dissertation on overcoming traditionalism in worship to ignite this generation to seek after God. When Dr. Salatheia faced cancer she continued to preach the gospel and encourage people to seek Jesus Christ. It is important for our organization to recognize the significance God has in our lives when were face suffering or can help those who. We offer faith based prayer and encouragement for patients and families who desire spiritual care. We do not discriminate against patients based on their spiritual background.

Mission Statement

Our mission is to pull families closer together during their fight against cancer.

Working with families to minimize the negative impacts of cancer, we will provide prayer, special songs, toiletry accommodations, job advocacy, counseling , meals, transportation, family activities coordination, financial assistance, spaces for reflection, spiritual guidance, field change scholarships, educational workshops for coping, and most importantly a listening ear.

Who We Are

Cancer Patient Family Support

Sallie's Halo strives to give patients and their families the personalized support they need to battle against cancer. Our family support services include transportation, healthy meals, family outings, and parking vouchers. We plan to start our services in January of 2025. Here at Sallie's Halo we understand that families might need more detailed care, therefore patients can always request additional support from our team at any moment by contacting us.